Transportation Authority of Marin

Transportation Sales Tax Renewal Expenditure Plan

Community Outreach and Awareness


The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) funds transportation programs and projects to improve mobility, reduce congestion, and provide a transportation system with more options for those living, working, and traveling in Marin County. TAM hired Civic Edge to develop messaging and materials to raise community awareness about transportation accomplishments, improvements, and current needs ahead of a Marin County vote on a transportation sales tax renewal. 


Our team focused content on highlighting the achievements of different projects and programs funded by Measure A, Marin County’s previous transportation sales tax passed in 2004 with 71 percent voter approval. These materials demonstrated how the benefits of a particular project or program extended beyond the most immediate users and served Marin County as a whole by being part of a cohesive transportation system. 

Planning for the Future

Additional messaging by Civic Edge demonstrated how TAM’s work connects to known community member interests and concerns. These topics included the environmental impacts and greenhouse gas emissions from traffic congestion, questions about future transportation innovations like autonomous vehicles, local street and road maintenance, public transit service, and services for youth and seniors. Communications showcased the many ways transportation affects daily lives. Bilingual materials were created in English and Spanish to share information with all residents.   

Project Expertise

  • Multilingual materials and collateral development
  • Messaging 
  • Strategic communications plan