Transbay Joint Powers Authority

Agency Communications

Crafting the Narrative for Transportation of the Future


The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) has primary jurisdiction over financing, design, development, construction, and operation of the Transbay Program - a visionary transportation and housing project in downtown San Francisco focused on creating a world-class transportation hub serving the Bay Area in the heart of a new neighborhood. Under the Transbay Program, the Salesforce Transit Center opened in 2018. The Transit Center replaced the original Transbay Terminal, opened in 1939, with a facility serving 11 transit systems, a 5.4-acre rooftop park and 11 acres of park space within walking distance, and over 100,000 square feet of commercial space. The Transit Center will serve as a station for California’s future high-speed train system. In 2021, Civic Edge started working with TJPA on its communications, including its website redesign to combine and